Ho! Ho! Kindle Sale Ho! … Ya Ho.

The Kindle versions of Aliens: The First And Final Disclosure, I Am To Tell You This And I Am To Tell You It Is Fiction, Urgency, and Into The End are all on sale at various prices under $5.00 now until next Tuesday (the 19th) in the US and UK Amazon stores. I created a little bookshop on my website with links to the US Amazon pages for all of my books wherein I detail what they are like and what my goal was in writing them. Check it out, it’s fun, and stuff that virtual stocking this holiday season!


Each purchase is like a donation to me getting my wife a new phone for her birthday, which she desperately needs, so it’s for a good cause. Or a cause, anyway. Good is subjective. There are better causes. Plus, is it a gift from me if you paid for it?

These are the questions, folks. These are the questions.

Happy Holidays!

Jerocktober: The Jereckoning

Well, folks, it’s here. The month you cannot, for the life of you, get rid of me. I will keep this thread pinned to the top of the blog and update it with airdates and direct links of media appearances as I am alerted to them. I had joked on Twitter than if you want to get rid of me, it’s simple: buy my book and I’ll stop singing for my supper. But I’ve decided to go another way. The opposite way, in fact. Dinner theater.

I keep seeing all of these new and intriguing paranormal podcasts sprouting up. I am making it my mission to get on as many of them as possible to infect the next generation of researchers and, more importantly, thinkers–and most importantly, experiencers–with my *cough-cough* wisdom. By the end of this month you will know that I have an unprecedented-for-me opportunity to bask in the glow of a large audience, which means more fame, which means I finally have a shot at actually influencing this crazy, searching, often ironically bland, space where we ponder…uh… space. Ufology. And other areas, but mainly there.

I have one shot at this. I’m going all in. It’s not enough to whine about how things suck, you have to change them. Change them starting with you and spill out. Since speaking carefully from the heart isn’t real work, you won’t have to fret over success or failure. You’ll just do what comes naturally.

As for me I will be doing that on numerous shows and on my next venture, promoting the best new voices I can find and angles little-drawn or paid attention. Different questions. Drilling down into high strangeness (or perhaps natural) phenomena. And also–importantly–putting a critical eye to the cultural lens through which these subjects refract. Where there is racism, sexism, corporate greed, military greed, cottage industry greed, New Age woo, or scientific arrogance and slow-walking to discoveries already made clouding the lens, it’s time to click on the defogger.

Let’s go!

Schedule of Appearances for October

Friday – 07th – UFO Classified with Erica Lukes

Saturday – 08th on Ithica, NY radio WVBR ; podcast released 16th – Where Did The Road Go?

Thursday – 20th – Strange Semantics

Friday – 21st – Dreamland with Whitley Strieber

Friday – 28th – I start my gig as the new guest host of Dreamland the last Friday of each month (except December.)

Monday – 31st – Paratopia Spooktacular: The Cougar of Ka’u

Watch Living Mystery Symposium HERE!

As promised, here are the Youtube Live feeds for all three days! It also streams live on Facebook and Twitch.

PLEASE share this with everyone!

If you have questions for the Q & A with all speakers on Sunday, please either click through the player to go to the Youtube live chat or leave them in the comments here, or email me. I will read them through Saturday night, but not Sunday. For Sunday you will have to ask in the chat.

As this is a free event, I must urge you to check out the speaker-recommended charities & nonprofits here: http://jaylonproductions.com/donation. If you can afford to give and want to give back, this is the place to do it.

You may also find official descriptions of the speaking events at JaylonProductions.com. What I write below (at least thematically for Saturday) just occurred to me now.

Thanks for being a part of this special event. We all look forward to engaging with you on Sunday!


FRIDAY June 4th 8pm EST/5pm PST
Tiokasin Ghosthorse & Lehua Lopez Present:
Relational Rhythms
A Dialogue on Lakota and Hawaiian understandings and Western mind.

SATURDAY June 5th 1pm EST/10am PST
Dennis McKenna on the origins of human consciousness and revolutionizing the internal through external substances.
Jeffrey Kripal on internal consciousnesses speaking their way out of us.
Whitley Strieber on a consciousness that is at once internal and external.

SUNDAY June 6th 4pm EST/1PM PST
90-Minute Speaker Roundtable
where we talk of what we learned this weekend
and take your questions!