I’m Sorry, Your Hypothesis Appears to be Dead

by Guest Blogger,
Tyler Kokjohn, PhD.


Scientists formulate and test hypotheses.  Participants in an intensely competitive enterprise, their success or failure hinges on devising productive approaches to solve problems and uncover new information.  Consequently, they are always alert for the arrival of new tools and technologies which often offer them new capabilities to extend the limits of knowledge.  The drive to be credited with priority for important discoveries means that scientists cannot afford to waste any time in putting their ideas to the most rigorous tests possible.  If you don’t, your competition may be delighted to do it for you.      

For years, some abduction researchers have produced a steady stream of work alleging they have exposed a secret plan to adulterate the human gene pool.  Contending their investigations reveal a systematic program of criminal battery and sexual molestation perpetrated by extraterrestrial aliens, they have published elaborate narratives describing missing pregnancies, human-alien hybrids and conspiracy.  Researchers report varying degrees of direct personal involvement in these stories with one investigator/subject claiming aliens used her as a ‘breeder’ and another announcing she knows the identities of human-alien hybrids.  These diverse situations share a critical common aspect; each has provided the investigator with ample opportunities to secure critical corroborating genetic data.

Alien abduction investigations have long been stymied by the lack of physical evidence that would definitively corroborate victim testimony.  However, new genetic analysis technologies which could ferret out hybrids or pinpoint genomic adulterations in short order are now available.  Representing nothing less than a potential sea change in the field, abduction researchers have either failed to adopt these methods or have not publicized their results.  This static condition has persisted for years.

Will Hypothesis Finally Confront Data?

Perhaps stunning genetic evidence confirming aliens have adulterated human heredity will be forthcoming soon.  Dr. David Jacobs revealed in an interview with Jack Brewer (The UFO Trail http://ufotrail.blogspot.com/2012/04/bizarre-world-of-doctor-david-jacobs.html) he has collected and analyzed samples for such purposes.  Given the potential extreme significance of such work and the premium placed on priority in awarding credit for new scientific discoveries, he should be anxious to publish detailed descriptions of each effort undertaken to acquire genetic samples, the specific analytic methods he employed and a complete accounting of all results and data.  The information should also include full explanations of chain-of-custody procedures and sample integrity safeguards, quality assessments, all process controls and the precise standards employed for sample inclusion/rejection.  Complete procedural details are critical because they will enable reviewers to determine which, if any, conclusions are rigorously grounded, must be considered tentative or challenged as invalid.  If alien or hybrid DNA cannot be revealed despite repeated attempts, carefully documented and controlled experiments will enable scientists to confidently decide whether his ideas are or are not supported by genetic evidence.

For Dr. Jacobs, time may be running short.  Clearly, since one investigator has claimed she knows some human-alien hybrids personally, he is not the sole investigator with access to potentially critical corroborating genetic samples. In addition, he is not necessarily restricted to collecting the retinue following inconveniently timed alien-perpetrated sexual assaults. He has also described subjects reporting events interpreted as evidence of missing pregnancies that were both initiated and terminated by alien intervention.  While human-alien hybrid progeny are said to be spirited away, these missing pregnancy victims are known to him.  Because cells from the developing baby may remain alive in the mother for decades (M. Barinaga, “Cells Exchanged During Pregnancy Live On,’ Science, 21 June 2002 [296:2169-2172]), these persons represent readily localizable subjects potentially harboring the direct genetic evidence of the nefarious alien manipulation of human genetics.  But again, Dr. Jacobs faces potential competition when it comes to securing the first genetic proof of alien-induced missing pregnancies.  The investigator/subject reporting she was used by aliens as a ‘breeder’ (Future Theater, 18 May 2013, http://www.futuretheater.com/) would both be rather easy to find and literally full of it.

530px-Johannes_Vermeer_-_Woman_Holding_a_Balance_-_Google_Art_ProjectThe Implications of Failure

Formulating testable hypotheses, confronting them with data and impartially assessing the results are core activities ofthe scientific method.  A continuous process of testing and ruthless self-critique is essential to reveal and extend the limits of reliable knowledge.  Analysis methods of sufficient power and precision to reveal corrupted genomes, expose human-alien hybrids or otherwise confirm the allegations of abduction investigators are now in routine use.  Only the abduction investigators themselves can explain why it has taken so long to apply them.

It is not unusual for hypotheses to die or be abandoned as a consequence of testing.  In fact, a central purpose of formulating potentially falsifiable hypotheses is precisely to eliminate ideas that are not supported by objective evidence.  No longer able to deploy the ‘you can’t disprove it’ retort, investigators will be forced to either confirm their claims or modify them in accordance with the genetic evidence they produce.  And the task ahead of them may be far more challenging than trying to tidy up a few loose ends in logic.

A consistent failure to produce any corroborating genetic evidence will have implications extending far beyond that of one investigator’s ideas not withstanding rigorous scrutiny.  It will constitute nothing less than an utterly damning indictment of the methods and deductions of some abduction investigators.  If confirmatory genetic data cannot be produced, these investigators will be forced to explain why their combined decades of work spawned breath-taking tales of a nefarious plot against humankind perpetrated through criminal assaults and sexual molestation all fabricated during a headlong and heedless rush down a scientific blind alley.

A vital aspect of the scientific process is the application of brutally frank quality check procedures.  A long delayed reckoning in the alien abduction field is now at hand as we shall soon see how well ornate hypotheses match authentic genetic data.  That will enable us to judge how effectively the special knowledge and methods certain abduction investigators employed have served to expose the truth.


4 thoughts on “I’m Sorry, Your Hypothesis Appears to be Dead

  1. Dr. Jacobs claims that he has had a number of samples, but somehow nothing happens.

    He told me he had a sample of hybrid urine (collected from a hotel bathroom). He had it tested, which said it was from a male. But then, when he wanted to do further tests on it, the lab said they had thrown it away/lost it.

    Dr. Jacobs also told me he had a pair of panties in his closet that a female subject gave him (and I’d bet my bottom dollar he asked for them), to test for hybrid DNA. However, he said that she had a husband, so he could not test it because any DNA might be from her husband. (He did not return the panties though.)

    He told me he had a collection of samples of flourescent colored stains on clothing that people have sent him. (I had similar stains on my bedding, so I would be especially interested in the results.) He said he had them tested, but the lab could not identify the substance. However, I am not aware of him ever publishing the results formally.)

    He told me that he had a subject wear a radiation badge during an abduction, and then sent it to a company to get analyzed. However, when he followed it up, the company had gone.

    In regard to pregnancies, Dr. Jacobs told me that a female subject had an abortion, but that the doctors found that there was no embryo/fetus, even though she had a verified pregnancy. The placenta was sent to be analyzed, and they said there were fetal cells in the placenta, even though there had been no embryo/fetus. Dr. Jacobs tells this story as evidence of aliens taking embryos fetuses from women. However, I am not aware of him publishing anything formally on that either.

    I hope one day researchers in the UFO field do follow proper scientific protocols, and that the results of investigations are published properly.

    Thanks for your insights into research in the field.

  2. I think it was just one lab that went out of business. He said he ordered the radiation badge from a magazine, and when he sent it to be analyzed the lab had gone out of business.

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